Marius Dale aka MADAOSLO

Concert, event & cityscape photographer based in Oslo

I am an experienced photographer specializing in concerts, events and street photography in Oslo, Norway. With a passion for capturing moments and creating visual stories, I have developed a unique style that combines artistic creativity and technical proficiency. I am dedicated to capturing the essence of each situation and conveying it through my images. From the most intimate concert experiences to the bustling streets of the city, I work hard to deliver memorable images that capture the moment.


Rockefeller - Live Nation - RiksTV - 6.Sans - Oslo Spektrum Arena

FlexFit - Betongpark - Mainstage - Stromma Norge - Sentralen

Oslo Bedriftstrening - Spring Event - Aulaseriene.- Sparebankstiftelsen

Flott Gjort - Odontia - Høstsabbat - Minuendo - 3KT - The Oslo Way -

Moment Event - Måkeskrik Festival - Munch - Oslokoret - Event Crew

Personlige Opplevelser - Barskingen - Adrenalin - Petrolium Records - Det Norske Blåseensemble